About me
Hi I’m Pumpkin, online name of course, and I’m honestly very bad at describing myself so I roped some wonderful people into doing it for me (you know who you are).

“Has supreme taste in beverages, books and general shenanigans. If you want some peak victoriana steampunk, check it out”
The dancing witch

“Does Neo-Edwardian Ms.Frizzle combined with Mr.Rogers make sense?”
the bird mom

“Pumpkin is like a fast, unguided but also adorable projectile. I’m unsure exactly where she’s going, but she has enough velocity to leave quite the impact. She’ll also leave plenty of sparkles, shinies and googly eyes in her wake”
The origamist

“Creative, skilled, supportive, craftswoman.
Victorian outfits not Victorian values”
The historian

“Pretty cool”
Some weird furry

“Very cool and chill vibes unless is in a mood for shenanigans. Also writes amazing stories and you all should give them a try”
The resident spider

“Enthusiastic, incredibly creative and positive”
The fish standing behind you